The Committee holds a seminar series/journal club biweekly throughout the year. Student attendance and participation are required Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters of their first two years. At the end of the second year, students will be graded pass/fail. Continued student participation in this series is expected until graduation.
In the Autumn, CMMN faculty members will give research talks to further expose students to research being conducted by Committee members. In the Winter through Summer quarters, faculty presentations will either comprise research talks or presentation of a high profile, recent journal article related to Metabolism research. Additionally, prominent outside speakers will be invited periodically to give research seminars, and students will meet with the speaker immediately after the talk.
Students are also required to present twice yearly. In the first year, presentations will be based on the laboratory rotation performed the previous quarter. Second year students will present a mock grant proposal in the winter (see below) and a journal article in the Spring. In subsequent years, students are required to present on their thesis research project once a year. The second presentation can either be discussion of a journal article, or for more advanced students, a second presentation of their own research.